Latest Episodes

Powerful Pollinators
August 01, 2019

What do bees and electric utilities have in common? Much more than you think. In this episode, Jessica Fox, EPRI’s resident bee lover, takes us through the ins and outs of the electric power sector’s role in supporting pollinator ecosystems and populatio

Shifting Energy Across Time and Space: Batteries on the Grid
May 20, 2019

Energy storage has made significant progress in the last two decades. In this episode we discuss where energy storage has been, where it might go and what EPRI is doing to help us get there. Haresh Kamath, senior program manager with EPRI’s Power Delivery

Shining a Light on Advanced Solar Forecasting
December 10, 2018

Solar forecasting, and the application of advanced solar forecasting to grid operations, are crucial research areas in enabling higher levels of renewable resources and making sure system operators can keep the lights on. EPRI recently received a $1.8 mil

Hopping on a Hyperloop
December 10, 2018

In the nearly three years of EPRI’s podcast we’ve covered a wide variety of topics and technologies, ranging from electric vehicles to advanced fossil technologies to cyber security. One area we haven’t covered is technologies on the horizon that could ha

Preparing for Blockchain in the Utility Industry
November 12, 2018

In this episode we dive into a topic you’ve probably at least heard about – blockchain. What is it? How does it work? And what does it mean for the utility industry? Some of our leading experts at EPRI answer these questions and more.

Forecasting the Future for Renewable Assets
October 15, 2018

As the number of wind and solar farms continue to increase, asset owners are innovating for efficiency, cost, and reliability. This innovation includes the area of operations and maintenance. Renewable asset owners are considering such things as how to be

Under the Lights: Indoor Agriculture and Efficient Electrification
August 20, 2018

Indoor agriculture facilities have the potential to deliver fresh produce to local and regional communities, reducing transportation costs and emissions, and reducing water usage. They also require electricity. Frank Sharp, EPRI Senior Technical Leader fo

A (More) Electrified Future
June 25, 2018

Electricity shows incredible promise in powering the technologies of today and tomorrow. How could it transform utilities and other industries where power is a key input? What are the opportunities and implications across the United States? We tackle thes

Managing Global Cyber Security Risk
February 19, 2018

Protecting Critical Assets: Cyber security is a critical priority for electric utilities. How can utilities protect themselves against attack by terrorists and hackers? What can be done to strengthen grid resilience against threats to equipment failures?

EMP and the Electric Grid
October 16, 2017

High-altitude electromagnetic pulse describes a nuclear detonation over land that could potentially cause damage to large transformers and substations. However, there are differing opinions on just how catastrophic an event such as this might be. As a res