EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#76 Showtime: How the 93% Principle can save your reputation!

May 27, 2017

I want to go on record right from the get-go!
Poor delivery of your message will slap you in the professional face AND can possibly derail your career!

Over the years I’ve had the great honor of working with numerous high-performing managers, business owners, and leaders who literally put themselves in danger of losing their credibility, at the very least, because of their poor platform presence.

Here are some comments I've heard along the way that helps to explain what I mean.

... “He doesn’t inspire confidence when he speaks to board members, employees, or senior executives.”

... "She’s meek and lacks presence, especially in meetings.”

... “He graduated high up in his MBA Programme but when he gives presentations he’s stiff, dull, boring, and really confusing.”

Translation? You can have the most respected degree in the world, BUT if you cannot communicate your ideas effectively THEN it doesn’t matter!

You can lose your credibility... or worse! You can come in as a bridesmaid in a competitive pitch, or be passed over for that promotion... all because of that inability to stand and deliver.

I was asked several weeks ago, “Who is your podcast aimed at?” My response was quick and assured,

My response was quick and assured, “Anyone with a dream or an ambition of standing in front of an audience and nailing it! Could be business students, a manager, a CEO or an aspiring leader… could even be a coach, a consultant or a marketer."

Here's what I know. It’s not your choice of a career that determines whether or not you need to have what I'm talking about in this podcast. The truth is, all careers have a requirement to talk about the business in some way.

It could be in a large environment where the audience is hundreds or possibly even thousands or in an office with one or two others... let me tell you what very few will tell you… you are being judged by how well you speak in public and how persuasively you deliver your message.

The purpose of The EPIC Thought of the Day Podcast… as well as every book and online coaching program in the Foundations of Platform Mastery Programme… is to open your awareness to the knowledge, skills, attitude and resource you need to protect and enhance your personal and professional brand. To build your authority with the power of platform presence.

So, if you’ve just started listening to our podcast, let me bring you up to speed.

We have been exploring what it takes to become a Platform Master, someone who finds themselves in front of an audience and they are the ones doing most of the talking. As a result of several decades of experience, I've been able to identify eight specific elements that when executed together will result in a masterful performance.

I’ve come to describe these eight elements as The Eight Constant Factors of Platform Presence that leads to Platform Mastery. They are Engage, Persuade, Impact, and Compel, with Passion, Purpose, Posture and Projection.

Last week, in Episode #75, we gave a very brief overview of the first six constant factors, so it would be good to go back and catch that if you are a new follower. After the overview, we began a discussion centered around Posture, the seventh constant factor, and we talked about it from three perspectives: Vulnerability, Mindset, and Physicality.

Well, now, we are opening a series of episodes on the third perspective of Physicality for one simple reason, Physicality is the shop window. It’s where everything is showcased.

Do you remember those comments…. “He doesn’t inspire confidence when he speaks to board members, employees,