EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#73 Find Your Purpose. Find Your Voice.

May 03, 2017

Note: There is content in the audio that is not in the written part of this episode.

The need for purpose is one of the defining characteristics of a human being. We crave purpose, and suffer serious psychological difficulties when we don’t have it. Purpose is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life. Purpose enhances self-esteem. Purpose instills confidence. Purpose give legs to action.

Clarity of purpose leads to ability to focus and its focus that inspires passion… the flame we talked about in the last episode. It’s passion that puts the 'act' in action. Purpose is the fiber of commitment and commitment is what it takes to execute with excellence.

So, you see… purpose is the starting point of excellent execution. Purpose helps a speaker connect and communicate with authority.

Today we talk about purpose and how it can help you find your voice of authority as you continue your journey to platform mastery.

In September of 2013 we lost a very insightful, talented and wise man by the name of Wayne Dyer. I never had the chance to meet him and I never truly appreciated or fully understood the simplicity of depth in the principles he taught.

I want to share a little of what I have discovered about him and how it’s connected to our topic today… Find Your Purpose. Find Your Voice.

15 of the most powerful words I know came from Wayne Dyer. Here they are, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

I’ve come to apply those words in helping people become platform masters and here’s how it works, “When you change the way you look at yourself as a speaker, the speaker your audience sees will change.”

Here’s a question to engage your thought for a moment or two. 'Why are you the platform of public speaking, or creating and giving presentations?'

The right answer will be your purpose.
I was once asked the question, “When do you feel closest to God?” I’m pretty sure the person asking that questions was expecting some deeply profound religious moment. But my answer was, "When I’m standing in front of an audience, engaging them as a speaker. I feel I am in my calling. My purpose feels fulfilled."
Wayne Dyer had this same approach… here, let me tell you a quick story to illustrate what I mean.

In 1976 Dyer was a lecturer at St. John’s University. He enjoyed teaching, but he wanted to reach more people with simple, direct advice. So, as the story goes, while writing his first book, 'Your Erroneous Zones', he resisted efforts by his publisher and college administrators to write in the more formal, academic style associated with graduate level research papers. When the book was finally published, excerpts appeared in The National Enquirer, far from a scholarly publication.

One day he got a call from a university administrator admonishing him for sullying the reputation of the university by appearing in such a disreputable publication! The administrator warned him that he was jeopardizing his career by writing for the masses.

What this administrator didn’t know was that Dyer was following a purpose, a reason for... a ‘WHY’. Wayne Dyer had made a commitment, based on his passion to engage the world, and bring about real, meaningful change in people lives.

Wayne Dyer has set a purpose in his heart years earlier as a college student… a bored, flabbergasted college student who looked around him and saw apathy… everywhere… students, teachers. “The teachers aren’t teaching,” Dyer thought. He realised that the speaker was just presenting material and simply going through the motions… seemingly oblivious to the listlessness and dissatisfaction...