EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#67 The ‘secret’ behind the secret sauce…

April 06, 2017

We are talking about Impact, the third constant factor of a platform master. In the last episode, we briefly outlined the five strategies used for being a speaker of Impact. Just to restate them for you if you’ve just joined our conversation, they are: Clarity, Reinforcement, Consolidation, Inspiration, and Positioning.

Clarity has four distinct… yet interconnected elements Substance, Simplicity, Structure & Speed. We talked about the first two in the last episode. Today, I want to talk Structure.  I’m going to share the ‘secret’ of the secret sauce with you today… The 13 Box Structure System.

Here’s a spoiler alert…
I’m going to give you a free pass to an online, video based training page where you can watch and read more about the 13 Box Structure System at the end of the episode today.
For over 17 years I have been coaching, training, consulting and unlocking business people in platform presence and platform mastery. There have been two bedrock pillars of my work over these years and they are Structure and Stand Up Deliver Skills.

In 2002, I was running a two-day workshop in Auckland New Zealand a young, smart, energetic, and opinionated entrepreneur by the name of Sean D’Souza was one of the attendees. It was Sean that gave me the name of this system I had been training business in since 1991.

At the end of the workshop, he came up to me and said. “You’ve just given me 13 boxes to presentation freedom.”

Boom! The 13 Box System was born. On that day, those 13 boxes finally had a unique name that accurately described what I was teaching.

Today I’m going to unpack one of the key principles of the 13 Box System called The Rule of Three.

The Rule of Three is a powerful technique that when you (1) learn, (2) practice, and (3) master… you are one step closer to exhibiting platform mastery. Using the Rule of Three allows you to (1) express concepts more completely, (2) emphasize your points, and (3) increase the memorability of your message.
(1) That’s the truth, (2) the whole truth, and (3) nothing but the truth.
There, just used it three times to show you what I mean!

There is something special in the way that The Rule of Three allows a speaker to express a concept, emphasize it, and make it memorable. In his book titled Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, Roy Peter Clark says, “Use one for power. Use two for comparison, contrast. Use three for completeness, wholeness, roundness. Use four or more to list, inventory, compile, and expand.”

So, if you want to come across as a complete, whole and rounded speaker… the use the rule of three.
Here’s the action point of the day.
Send me an email… eugene@eugenemoreau.com - and I will give you a free pass to an online, video based training page and you can watch the 50 minute 13 Box Structure Training Video and download the PDF Transcript of the video.

I'll repeat the email address... eugene@eugenemoreau.com - I promise you will back from me in quick fashion.

There is more to come.