EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#66 Impact… the secret sauce of public speaking

April 04, 2017

We began a series of conversations around the eight constant factors of platform mastery several weeks ago, and it started with being an engaging speaker. We discovered that without engagement… we lose the battle for keeping the attention of the audience.

We also talked about how an audience will ‘assess’ you in the first 90 seconds and we even had an episode where we explained how a lot of audiences are like Pavlov’s Dog.

Then we talked about the second constant factor, Persuasion.

We explored how a persuasive speaker will use three main tactics, which we called, ‘Rhetorical Appeals’, and when used effectively, ethos, logos and pathos would be an influential force in becoming a persuasive platform master.
Today, we start unpacking the third constant factor of platform mastery, Impact.
We open the dialogue with this question, “What does it take to be a speaker with impact?” A speaker with is impact will use up to five different strategies when they are establishing platform presence. They are Clarity, Reinforcement, Consolidation, Inspiration, and Positioning.
Today I want to talk about Clarity. Clarity has four elements: Substance, Simplicity, Structure & Speed. Today I’ll talk about Substance and Simplicity and then I’ll talk about Structure and Speed in the next episode.
This is what you are saying. Your actual content… the words that will leave you and land on and in your audience… your message. There are several critical questions that must be asked in order to have clarity of message:

1. What is the single most important message I want this audience to hear?
2. What are the most important details I need to share?
3. What do I want them to remember?
4. What action do I want them to take?
5. What can I say or ask that will help them take action?
6. What story could I share that best illustrates this message?

Asking these questions will help you create clarity… and this is the first step in creating impact.
Simplicity.is the companion of Substance. They go hand in hand.

Simplicity uses simple language… and this means avoiding buzz words and jargon. It means using shorter, more concise sentences and telling short stories to illustrate important, vital points, whenever you can.

Remember, the intent of simplicity is to ensure your ‘substance’ is easy to understand, interpret, and act on.
Here’s the action point of the day.
Clarity has a simple motto. I recommend you write it down and keep it with you at all times.

Here it is… Less Words = More Message.

There is more to come.