EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#63 The power of inclusion

March 28, 2017

We’ve been spending time together exploring the Eight Constant Factors of Platform Mastery and let me remind you what they are.
A platform master Engages, Persuades, Impacts, and Compels an audience with Passion, Purpose, Posture, and Projection.

We know that a persuasive speaker will use a variety of tactics to achieve persuasion and these tactics are called Rhetorical Appeals or Devices.

Today I’m going to share the first of three tactics, that when you use them with passion, purpose, posture, and projection you will go a long way in helping your audience engage with you, and be persuaded with your use of the Rhetorical Appeal of Emotion.
Tactic One: Inclusion
American psychologist William Schutz introduced a theory of interpersonal relations he called Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO). According to FIRO there are three elements that are an excellent base for persuasion in an interpersonal communication and relationship. The three are: Inclusion, Control, and Affection.

Schutz says that the need for inclusion is the inner drive “to establish and maintain a satisfactory relation with people with respect to interaction and association.” What does that mean? It has to do with being in or out. People don’t like to be left out. As humans, we are not wired to be ‘left out’. It’s in our DNA.

So, how does this tactic look in action? It starts with using inclusive language.

One of the easiest ways to bond with your audience is to use inclusive pronouns like ‘we’, ‘our’, and ‘us’ instead of ‘you’ and ‘your’. As Shel Leanne points out in the book, Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision, these words help to “send the message that the speaker and those listening are on the same team, in the same boat, facing the same fate.”
There is a big difference between saying, “You must solve this problem” and “We must solve this problem.” The first statement makes the audience responsible for solving the problem; the second tells the audience that you will work together to solve the problem.
So, tactic number one in using Rhetorical Appeal of emotion is to use inclusive language to explain what you all can accomplish together.
Here’s the action point of the day.
Review your last three speeches or presentations. Look for ‘inclusion’ language, stories, and examples. If you haven’t got many, then update your message and the next time you stand in front of an audience, you will see a difference.

There is more to come.