The Eph & Jeff Show: Alternative Energy & Agriculture from Crucial Catalyst

The Eph & Jeff Show: Alternative Energy & Agriculture from Crucial Catalyst

E&J 011: Biological Remediation, Interview with Cliff Bradley

February 03, 2014

Cliff Bradley With Eph & Jeff

Join the Eph & Jeff show for an interview with Cliff Bradley, an expert in biological remediation – using fungi in restoring the earth. This episode looks in depth at petroleum and oil spills across the earth, and just how staggering it is.

The topics range from local, USA issues with oil and natural gas, to places like the Niger Delta where the amount of oil spilled is shocking, and to places like Ecuador, where the oil was buried, and the people now suffer the consequences.

We look briefly at the use of fungi for pest control, and some of the science of how it works. We also consider different energy options to replace oil and gas.

Many of the topics discussed would benefit from images, so the images are below. We also want to recommend looking at for more information about the Ecuadorian oil waste, and what can be done about it.

Nigeria Oil – covering the land (Amnesty International)

Nigeria Fishing with Oil – Pius Utomi Ekpei, AFP Getty

Burning Oil, Nigeria (Daily Maverick)

Gas Flares, in the Niger Delta. For scale, Lagos has more than 10 million people

Donald Moncao in Ecuador. Former farmer, whose wife and child died of cancer, now fighting for remediation. This is a couple hundred meters below a Texaco unlined oil waste pit.

Donald Moncao – Ecuador Oil Pit, located above the photo above.

Texaco’s oil pit remediation in Ecuador. They shoved dirt on 161 of the more than 1,400 pits, and called it good.


Oil Pit remediation in Ecuador. The same spot, 20 years later.


Bakken Natural Gas Flares, in North Dakota & Montana, seen at night.