Environment Podcast

Environment Podcast

Latest Episodes

Zebra finches program offspring for a hotter world
August 19, 2016

Specific temperature-related calls made in the final days before hatching alters the behaviour of the developing chick.

Breakfast of the Numbat King
August 19, 2016

There are fewer numbats than there are pandas or orangutans in the world, and keeping the captive breeding numbats in peak condition is a full time job.

Iranian nuclear deal
August 18, 2016

It's been a year since the Iranian nuclear deal was reached. Was it worth it? What if anything has changed in not only Iran but across the Middle East?

Science, in pictures
August 18, 2016

A project enlisting citizen scientists to identify Australian wildlife is helping conservation, and reconnecting people with nature. And we follow the day of a scientist through Snapchat.

Facebook's internet of the sky
August 16, 2016

A fleet of solar-powered drones promise internet connectivity to the developing world — but do they come with a catch?

RN subject podcasts are closing
August 16, 2016

We really love having you listen to RN but we need to let you know that we’ll be closing our subject podcasts. To keep hearing stories and interviews from RN, search for your favourite shows in the ABC Radio App or subscribe in your preferred podcasting a

RN subject podcasts are closing
August 16, 2016

We really love having you listen to RN but we need to let you know that we’ll be closing our subject podcasts (don’t worry—we aren’t cancelling any shows). To keep hearing stories and interviews from RN, search for your favourite shows in the ABC Radio Ap

The nuclear brink
August 16, 2016

Former US Secretary of Defence, William J. Perry, warns that the risk of nuclear catastrophe is greater than it was during the Cold War and is growing every year. 

Sh*t happens!
August 14, 2016

An exploration of cultural attitudes to human waste.

The next generation of river people
August 13, 2016

In the far south-west of New South Wales we meet a team of environmental rangers who are trying to bring country back to life by coaxing animal populations back, constructing 'fish hotels' to keep the fry safe from predators and protecting cultural herita