Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

EIT 059: How To Use Periscope For Business

August 14, 2015

Full Show notes: www.entrepreneursintraining.net/59
How To Use Periscope For Business
Periscope is the new live streaming app from twitter. Described as "the closest thing to teleportation" and "consensual voyeurism," it beats out other live streaming apps (like MeerKat) by (1) having almost no lag time and, thus, being true "real-time" video, and (2)  allowing streaming of your video for 24 hours after your "scope. How to Use Periscope:

Downoad the periscope app.
Follow and be followed by other people (like twitter). Periscope automatically alerts you to when someone you follow starts a broadcast.
Open the app, hit the record button and you are streaming. 
People watching your stream write comments and give you “hearts” if they like what you are doing.

Everyone can see the comments and hearts.
People who get the most hearts are included in “Popular people to follow” and “most loved” sections.

Why Periscope for Business?

People are acting like this is a big game changer for businesses. In some ways it really seems to be:

It fosters genuine conversation between you and your audience. No other social media venue allows such a direct exchange between busines owner and audience.

This allows your audience to shape the conversation and feel heard and known by you and makes you relatable.

Real time comments provide a ton of value.

You get immediate feedback from your audience which can help guide the content you will create for them.
Comments result in a lot of cross conversation between participants in a scope.

It creates a mini-community within the session. People end up helping each other, providing links to websites, etc.

Periscope Best Practices

No consensus on the true "best practices" since it's still so early.
Have a good title. It’s the only thing that people scrolling through the live scopes will see. Some title options:

Straightforward (walking my dog)
Exclusive (behind the scenes at…)
Invitation to learn

Make it easy to find your broadcast

Turn twitter sharing on (this will place it in your feed)
Turn on location tagging. People can search for scopes on a map.

Encourage audience to share your broadcast and give them explicit directions (swipe right) since a lot of people have no idea how to use the app.
Engage with your audience. Respond directly to comments, acknowledge people by their handle. Ask them to “tap the screen” when they like something (this gives the broadcaster hearts)
Save your scope! Only available on the app for 24 hours. You have at least 2 options

Save without comments by saving to camera roll (but doesn’t include comments/hearts) and takes a lot of space.
Save with comments/hearts by recording stream using quicktime. Instructions here.

Repurpose your scope into a youtube video if it is useful and evergreen content.

Chris Ducker created a branded template to surround his video with his twitter/periscope handle and website. He provides a link to the template.

For more information:

5 Quick Tips for Using Periscope, Twitter's New Live Video Streaming App
Best Practices for Using Periscope