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Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

EIT 048b: Premortem Stories From Its Creator Gary Klein

May 31, 2015

Complete show notes: www.entrepreneursintraining.net/48b
This is a follow-up episode to our PreMortem Technique show. Gary Klein came on the show to tell me some of the more interesting stories about PreMortems he's conducted. Plus we chat about his current projects.
Gary Klein's PreMortem Technique
Improve your business or project before it starts.

Gary Klein has developed a lot more than the PreMortem technique.
Here's the original research that inspired the PreMortem
Klein's Harvard Business Review Article lays out the PreMortem nicely. We followed it for our theme.
To keep up with Klein's current work, follow his blog in Psychology Today- a continuation of his most recent work, Seeing What Others Don't.
He also mentions his most recent project, Shadow Box Training.