Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

EIT 041: How To Speak With Confidence On Camera | Alexa Fischer

April 10, 2015

Show notes:
Alexa set up a website page specially for EIT listeners: http://www.alexafischer.com/eit/ Following this link, you will receive 76% off her latest course, Be Comfortable And Confident On Camera. Also on that page, Alexa provides a free article: 10 Tips for Being Confident on Camera. Note you need to provide your email. Alexa helps people speak with confidence + calm just about anywhere - at board meetings, to an auditorium, on video, or even at a cocktail party full of strangers. She learned how to do this at The Yale School of Drama and on countless television shows; these days she teaches CEOs, private clients, online students, and huge companies how to connect - with each other and with their own greatness. You can check out her video blogs and online courses at: http://www.alexafischer.com/welcome/ Or find her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Tip of the show
Look at the lens during your video chats with friends. Looking at the lens when you talk on video makes the other person feel more connected to you, because they feel like you are looking them in the eyes. Alexa suggests practicing this technique during conversations that aren’t important for your business. That way, in a situation where it is important for your business, you will do it naturally. The real trick to get good at this, Alexa says, is to picture the person you are speaking to while you are looking at the lens.

Below are snippets of some further topics explored in the interview: Alexa uses her performance skills and experience to understand and connect with people. During acting, she strives to understand the motivations of her characters. She does the same with people. She describes her approach as inside out rather than outside in. She shares her epiphany story. Laying on the floor, on the set of the TV show Bones, with fake blood coming out of her mouth, waiting and waiting for filming to begin. "Is this it? Is this the thing I’m supposed to be doing?" Although she had tried a previous entrepreneurial endeavor, it didn't aligned with her sense of self and purpose. For a while, she had experienced a sort of gnawing in her soul. Her career wasn't quite right. She acted without hesitation when presented with the opportunity to be a personal media trainer. She’s been creating and selling Udemy courses for a few years, and those generate most of her income (more than speaking engagements and personal coaching).
Make a video (for your about page, e.g.)
The most important thing is to simply “speak your truth†and not let your fears distract you or hold you back. After that, and not surprisingly, the most important thing to do is practice. A great way to practice is by making little videos for your friends, using your cell phone. For example, take a happy birthday video to send to your friend. But use it as an opportunity to practice. Look for good lighting. Put your smartphone on a tripod (Alexa recommends Joby tripods). Look into the lens. Have a beginning, a middle and an end. Here’s the youtube video she mentions by the plumber: Meditation is her most important activity to stay productive. Alexa meditates for about 10 minutes in the morning and evening. I enjoyed her video post about being intentional each day- a lesson she learned from 94 year old Deborah Szekely (and see how this video is a great example of the techniques we talk about on the show?).