Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

Entrepreneurs in Training | Fail Your Way To A Freedom Lifestyle | Create Online Businesses

EIT 065: 1 Year from Idea To Launching an Online Business | brb yoga... finally!

January 25, 2016

If you've followed our online entrepreneurial journey so far...
You know Catherine and I have been working for a year and a half on online businesses. A lot has happened during that time:

We went all in developing brbYoga.
We went all quiet on Entrepreneurs in Training, eventually (it's been months since our last episode!).
We had our 2nd child.
We moved into a new house in the suburbs to help financially.
For a while were working double: recording EIT episodes and developing brb yoga. But the strain became too much: full-time work, 2 young kids (one was born during all this!), and working on both businesses.
It led to a lot of tension in our house, at all times day and night (and I mean all times).

I won't bore you with the details, heartache, and suffering... the glorious struggle!
And we may not be the perfect model for how to launch an online online business, or how to launch your first online business.
So why am I sharing this with you?
Because we are one example among many of people who toil and strive and grind, who've decided to not give up, who've committed to not give up. Because I want to remind you:
Man, it took us almost 2 years from starting EIT to launching a real business. And we don't even have customers yet! But it feels great just to see all our hard work manifest into a real business. We're committed. I hope you're committed. I hope you're living your own glorious struggle. And I hope you're well! Feel free to drop me a line with any questions you might have. I'll help if I can.