Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Latest Episodes

How to deal with doubt
June 02, 2017

Yesterday was one of those days when I was doubting that I am on the right track with my business and my life. I am not sure what triggered it, but it isn’t the first time and I discovered it usually happens when I read something from a person I respec...

About Being Helpless
May 26, 2017

Asking for help vs. Doing it yourself. This was a discussion I had with a group of friends. It was business related but I believe this affects every aspect of life. In this podcast I open up and share my view on this subject.

How To Make Change Work For You
May 20, 2017

Dealing with change is one of the hardest thing to do for most. In this podcast I discuss the issue with change and how you can make it work for you. There are 2 types of change. I look at both and talk about how they can work for you.

How To Stay Motivated As A Start-Up
May 12, 2017

When starting a business there are lots to learn and so many things are new. This can become overwhelming. To get through this you need some motivation. But how can you stay motivated when everything around you so chaotic? In this podcast,

If you want something you need to ask!
May 05, 2017

The title says it all. This podcast is all about asking questions. How you should do it and why you should do it. It's simple. If you don't ask, nobody knows that you want it. So how do you suppose to get it? Enjoy

Design yourself
April 28, 2017

Have you ever thought about why you are as you are? What do you think made you who you are today? In this podcast I talk about who designed your life and what you can do to change it they way you like. It's actually quite easy if you know how.

Change Your Life After 50
April 21, 2017

There is a lot said about people who reached 50 years of age. For one, you should have made it by now. You should have created a successful career. Reached a high position within your company. Have a nice car in the garage of your almost paid-off house...

How to find the right staff
April 14, 2017

It is one of biggest issues for upcoming entrepreneurs. You worked hard and made it so far, but now you need help. You're worried to hire the wrong people and anyway you don't know much about hiring staff. Let me tell you that most large organisations ...

What is Money?
April 06, 2017

In this podcast, I am talking about money. Yes, I touch the subject and take it apart. There is a lot to be said about and why we just don't get enough of it. I go into the good and the bad and why all struggle to make enough.

Working through your task list
March 25, 2017

In this podcast I am talking about how to manage your task list successfully. It’s about the laziest way to get things done and looking at your task list from a different perspective. It is also about what I do today and how I have progressed with it.