Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

78: Cutting Out Noise, Taking Back Control & Mastering the Art of Discipline

December 12, 2016

Just me, myself and I on the podcast this week as I have a ramble about becoming more disciplined. I really feel like I've managed to become 'more disciplined' in my life over the past few months. Strangely, however, it took me falling out of this discipline through a couple days of travelling and resulting jet lag last week for me to really see how disciplined I had become. When I say 'disciplined', I don't mean it in a hard, military sort of way. For me, being disciplined is simply about getting the shit done that you said you were going to do. Not using willpower to force yourself to do shit you don't want to do, but just following through on your plan. And so I wanted to make today's podcast episode about everything I've noticed while doing this. In The Episode, I Talk About... How I was stopping myself being disciplined in the past. Why the 'noise' in my life was stopping me moving forward. How to analyse your noise and get rid of noise that doesn't serve you. Why listening to advice and help from everyone is not a good idea. A process for making Facebook a nice place to be, instead of making you feel like crap. How to cut through all the shit others are telling you to do and form your own path towards achieving a goal. The simple way of building a daily/weekly/monthly action plan. The key elements of determining what makes a successful week for you. Why discipline comes through all areas of life. Links 62: Six Ways to Meditate Without Meditating Enjoy the episode! You can give it a listen via the player above. Or head over to iTunes and subscribe there for Apple lovers, and over on Stitcher for non-Apple peeps. Love, Laughter & Light, Mike P.S. If you haven’t done so already, click here to join my Facebook group and engage with all the other dudes and dudettes in the Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses tribe!