Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

73: Using Purpose to Maximise Productivity with Nick Snapp

November 07, 2016

Nick Snapp is a 'productivity guy'. But not in the usual way. Yes, he helps with all the organisation, apps and tools you can use to get more shit done in less time. But what I love about his approach is that he always starts with purpose. Because you can have all the apps, systems and tools you can get your hands on, but if what your doing doesn't fill you up in some way or have some sort of purpose... You will not be optimally productive! So it was amazing to get Nick on the podcast this week and chat about taking a slightly different angle on the whole 'productivity world'. In The Episode, We Talk About... Nick's story of breaking free from a stressful job + side business + family scenario and becoming a productivity master. Why it's so key to prioritise your most purposeful actions to become the most productive. An exercise for finding those purposeful actions that will bring you the greatest results. The importance to your own sanity of being willing to give up control. Why it is key to come up with agreements in your relationships when it comes to managing your time. How Nick utilises a weekly 'joint review' with his wife so he can be more productive and have an amazing relationship. Why it's important to drop the BS 'hustle, hustle, hustle' mentality. Nick's best tips, tricks and strategies for managing your time and systemising your actions. Links NickSnapp.com Nick's free productivity video Make It Snappy podcast "Will It Fly?" by Pat Flynn Evernote Slack aTimeLogger You can give the episode a listen via the player above. Or head over to iTunes and subscribe there for Apple lovers, and over on Stitcher for non-Apple peeps. Love, Laughter & Light, Mike P.S. If you haven’t done so already, click here to join my Facebook group and engage with all the other dudes and dudettes in the Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses tribe!