Emile in the Morning at Night

Emile in the Morning at Night

EITMAN Ep.002: Hypemen David and Juabe - Fighting Games and the FGC

August 12, 2015

This week we talk to David and Juabe of the Rumpus Room, where they work to promote local gaming events. Tournaments, fun casuals, and even a clinic where they mentor you on fighting games are all on the list of cool things they do.

We have conversations about fighting games, E-Sports, and the FGC in general. Gotta say I learned a lot from them about the local scene.

Check out the rumpus room at: http://www.facebook.com/RumpusCubaoX
You can follow and find out more about our guests on Twitter:
David Cayuca - http://twitter.com/yodaveward
Juabe Inciong - http://twitter.com/moveslikejuaber

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