embodied. a podcast.

embodied. a podcast.

The #NatTurner Episode - 7.28.16

July 24, 2016

Next week on embodied. a podcast, past guest Brittany Barron and I explore the story of Nat Turner, a slave who led a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia in 1831. We use Kyle Baker's Graphic Novel "Nat Turner" (Link Below) as our main point of reference as well as the upcoming film, "The Birth of a Nation" (October 2016), and we also get into talking about the current cycles of violence that we're seeing now in America. We hope you check it out.

Follow us on iTunes(http://apple.co/2a6mPjU), SoundCloud and Stitcher Radio(http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/embodied-a-podcast).

"Nat Tuner" Graphic Novel by Kyle Baker:

Trailer for "The Birth of a Nation", Nate Parker's new film about Nat Turner, coming out this October.