Elite Mom Planning Podcast - Time Management & Productive Routines

Elite Mom Planning Podcast - Time Management & Productive Routines

017: Use Rewards As Motivation When You Need To Take The First Step

September 23, 2019

How easy is it to dream up and wish you could "one day" do an amazing dream your heart is set on doing.  But then what?!  ... what about finding the time? ... what about when you're too tired to do the work? ... what about when the results don't come easy and you are running gout of patience?  Then what?!  How about setting the barrier for starting ... really low. Like ridiculously low. And have a reward at the end of that achievement. Guess what? You started! You achieved!  Now go again.  And it's these little, consistent motions forward that will turn your river of dreams into an ocean of reality!  You've got this!   ELITE MOM PLANNING PODCAST FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elitemomplanningpodcast/ ELITE MOM PLANNING PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.elitemomplanning.com/17-2/ FREE MINI WORKBOOK CALLED 'FINDING YOUR LEFTOVER TIME, SELF CARE FOR THE BUSY MOM': https://www.elitemomplanning.com/time/