Elite Mom Planning Podcast - Time Management & Productive Routines

Elite Mom Planning Podcast - Time Management & Productive Routines

012: Independent Actions Our Kids Can Take For School

August 19, 2019

Morning routine and getting out the door is the number one thing that is most stressful about our elementary kids' school day. How can we get more off our plate when there is so much to do. How about ... by teaching the kids to do things for themselves. This step, I believe, helps the morning chaos but more importantly, it teaches our kids the skillset that they need in order to become grown full functioning adults in society. Teaching our kids independence in getting ready for school is messy and hard to see the boundaries lines of when to step in and teach and when to step back and let them try. But kids with their independence have the chance to be responsible to fail and learn and grow. With independence, they are given the power to choose what is right for themselves. And no! we are not talking serious life-altering independence (i.e. like if they can take the car for a spin) but yes! let them chose between an apple and banana for lunch even though you know they hate bananas. This is fantastic practice for the future 17-year-old version of son or daughter that is right around the corner. Let's jump into independent actions our kids can take for school routine. And yep, I advocate pack-your-own-lunches, for kids ;)   ELITE MOM PLANNING PODCAST FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elitemomplanningpodcast/ ELITE MOM PLANNING PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.elitemomplanning.com/12/ FREE MINI WORKBOOK CALLED 'FINDING YOUR LEFTOVER TIME, SELF CARE FOR THE BUSY MOM': https://www.elitemomplanning.com/time/