EliteDomme.com – Intelligent phone sex with a fun FemDom Mistress

EliteDomme.com – Intelligent phone sex with a fun FemDom Mistress

Grateful for great phone sex! Love my calling and my callers.

April 01, 2013

Treat yourself to a great phone sex session with Mistress June from EliteDomme.com.


Phone sex is simply a phone call.  A form of communication.  Nothing more or less.  What makes phone sex calls so fabulous and amazing and satisfying is that we are strangers offering up our secrets in an intimate way while still safe at home, protected by our anonymity.  What a gift!  What fun!  Phone sex allows you a healthy outlet to explore your sexual fantasies without compromising your health, your “community reputation”, or your marriage or relationship if you have one.


When you work with
a talented phone Mistress over time,
it allows you to learn about yourself
in ways that are not possible
through ANY other means!
How cool is that?


I love what I do.  I provide a valuable service for my clients.  Much like a masseuse or a counsellor or a personal trainer.  I help my clients relax, I help them enjoy life more deeply, and I help them express a real and necessary part of themselves that may too often get neglected.  I help callers accept themselves, too.  Not through talk therapy, I know some Mistresses do that, but I do not.  I help you understand your true nature through experiential fantasies, guided masturbation, and sometimes through orgasm control.


Making the world
a happier, more peaceful place,
one kinky pet at a time.


My life story has uniquely prepared me for this work.  I grew up in a home with a very dominant Mother and a submissive Father, so I learned from my earliest days that women are powerful and then I could be and do anything I like.  And that I should not feel bad or guilty about allowing men to serve me.  I was a gifted student in school and studied topics like psychology, communication, feminist theory, spirituality and creativity.  And I have always been sexually adventurous with both men and women.  I have worked hard to be an ethical and enlightened soul to the best of my abilities, and I do my best to always act out of love and respect for my fellow human beings.  So you can see that life lead me to this job for a reason.  And I have been blessed to find phenomenal success in this field very quickly for a reason.


I am a uniquely gifted Goddess
and you are lucky you found me.


So let’s get to work!  Give me a call today and let’s play.  Phone sex can be seriously therapeutic, but it can also be great filthy fun!  I enjoy our chats immensely and I am looking forward to toying with.  So if you are over 18 and open to exploring sexually on the phone, reach out to me.  I am friendly and fun and easy to talk to.  Even with callers who need strict or Sadistic domination.  I have a Sadistic side and enjoy those calls as much as the more chatty calls.  But all conversations begin from a friendly place of mutual respect.

Talk to you soon, pet.

Your Mistress,

Mistress June

1 (800) TO-FLIRT extension 987-8433


PS:  I am a firm believer that we get back from life exactly what we put out into the world.  And I am sure that is why I have the most fabulous thoughtful callers in the world!  I am so grateful for my adoring and supportive playthings!  As many of you know, I have only recently stopped working for a phone sex company and gone the independent route.  I LOVE working for myself and now more than ever, my career is only possible because of your unyielding devotion and commitment to your Mistress, pets.  You make me so happy.