EliteDomme.com – Intelligent phone sex with a fun FemDom Mistress

EliteDomme.com – Intelligent phone sex with a fun FemDom Mistress

Free erotic audios on phone sex topics, sexy podcasts will vary

March 25, 2013


Ironically, this post about sexy podcasts is newsy and not so sexy.  I just wanted to update you all and let you know that I intend to include podcasts with most of my blog posts from now on, but the style of podcasting may vary.  For some posts, I will simply share the blog post information in an audio format.  For others, I may comment on the blog post, not just read it.  And for a select few, I may share a story or anecdote related to the blog post that is unique to that podcast.

You will want to be sure
to check out my
free erotic podcasts.


I have uploaded my feed to iTunes, too, for those of you who want to listen there.  My iTunes channel can be previewed here:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/elitedomme.com-intelligent/id622504730


Where I whisper dirty things
directly into your psyche.

There are phone sex professionals who believe this level of audio support is too big of a give-away and that too many of you naughty wankers will be enjoying my audios so thoroughly that it will decrease my phone sex call volume.  My favorite callers are into the intimate exchange between us and they cannot get that through a podcast, so I am pretty certain I will always have devoted callers.  :)  And the five minute jerk-off boys who will lose it listening to podcasts were never likely to be regulars for me, anyway.  I am just not that kind of Mistress.  So I see this new feed of free erotic audios as a little reward for my good pets to keep you focused on your Mistress between calls.


Mistress June the Podcaster
1 (800)  TO-FLIRT  extension 987-8433