Ed and Ethan

Ed and Ethan

Ed & Ethan 119 Bitcoin Jesus Walks Upon The Blockchain

July 19, 2014

Roger Ver, (Bitcoin Jesus) noted Bitcoin investor and entrepreneur, joins us to talk about what he’s been up to lately, some new features being released for the Blockchain.info wallet, his thoughts on the 51% attack issue and more. We’re playing with a new format so you’re treated to Roger’s words of wisdom right at the front of the show!Roger encourages you to visit http://freeross.org/ to support Ross Ulbricht.
At the end of the show, Ethan throws out an idea for distributing mobile bandwidth costs and opines on it a bit.  As well, we talk about the growth of the anti-photography police state and Derrick J Freeman taking the police in Keen NH to court.
Finally, listener email!  Ethan apologizes every so often for “talkin’ suddern” but Listener Eddie has some suggestions as to how one actually talks southern.
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