

Latest Episodes

Star Trek Adventures - actual play episode 2.2 - Displaced Energy
April 02, 2020

The second half of our actual play through of Star Trek: Adventures

Star Trek Adventures - actual play episode 2.1 - Displaced Energy
April 01, 2020

The second half of our actual play through of Star Trek: Adventures

Star Trek Adventures - actual play episode 1 - reporting for duty
March 09, 2020

This is our first attempt at recording a game session and the first episode of the Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius.

people change
February 25, 2020

This episode Scott and I discuss overly attached dentists, Star Trek: Picard, and a dragon that looks like my father.

Star Trek Adventures - Ship Creation
February 16, 2020

The tabletop gaming crew got together to roll a ship character for an upcoming ECN live play of Star Trek Adventures.

kicking bad habits
February 03, 2020

We discuss quitting smoking and other habits.

Dave and Bo
January 29, 2020

David and Bo discuss gaming and Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek Adventures - character creation
January 01, 2020

Building Scott's character for a future campaign. We also use the chat to influence a second character build.

2019 review
December 19, 2019

James is in town and joins us to talk our best of 2019.

Black Friday 2019
November 28, 2019

David joins us to talk about Black Friday.