Ebony Empress Shows - EBR Award Winner

Ebony Empress Shows - EBR Award Winner

Latest Episodes

Want to end dating drama?..... Maybe time to try a Matchmaker
May 12, 2015

Tonight to we talking to Siobhan Copland about the dating dramas and the benefits of using a professional matchmaking service. If you tried dating recently and

How you get prepared for a hot date
May 07, 2015

Tonight we are talking about how you get prepared to go on dates. Imagine you meet a really hot prospect and they want to date...... How do you prepare? What s

How to have success and maintain a great relationship with your partner
May 05, 2015

How to have success and maintain a great relationship with your partner

Are Black Women nicer to men they date outside their race?
April 30, 2015

Are Black Women nicer to men they date outside their race?

How do we recover after trauma and love ourselves totally......
April 28, 2015

How do we recover after trauma and love ourselves totally......

How to know if you are with a fake (RERUN)
April 21, 2015

How to know if you are with a fake (RERUN)

How many ways can you love a woman? Part 2 Q&A/Discussion
April 16, 2015

How many ways can you love a woman? Part 2 Q&A/Discussion

How many ways can you love a woman?
April 14, 2015

Today  Ebony Empress will be talking to George Lee Jr about his book... “Lov(H)er”    George Lee Jr. began writing at the age of 12 beginning with poetry and Hip Hop influenced rhymes and songs. In his mid-20s he began publicly performing his poe

10 ways for men to manup and get the relationships they want
April 07, 2015

Tonight we talk to Brian Begin the founder and lead success and confidence coach at FEARLESS... http://www.thefearlessman.com/   https://www.facebook.com/TheFearlessMan He specializes in presence work-getting people “out of their heads” (over-analy

Will hurt people hurt you just because they can?
March 31, 2015

Tonight we are talking about how hurt people affect us in our daily lives. Some people love drama that's a fact and they say misery loves company. So how do you avoid people who want to hurt you just because they have no way of dealing with their own