Ebony Empress Shows - EBR Award Winner

Ebony Empress Shows - EBR Award Winner

How we self sabotage our relationships

July 16, 2015

Tonight we are talking about self sabotaging our own relationships. According to http://www.psychalive.org/sabotaging-relationship/  Love hurts. The saying is both tired and true. Yet, as much as it gets lamented in pop songs or portrayed on movie screens, we don’t really let it sink in. Part of us feels, once we find the right person and make the smart choices, love will be easy — blissful, less complicated than all those other relationships around us. The twisted truth is, the closer the relationship and the better the choice we’ve made, the more pain we can expect to feel. Love doesn’t just wound us, because people disappoint us or because circumstances change. It can hurt most when it is at its best. So...is this why we sabotage our relationships?

Let's talk about it...