Eat Laugh FIGHT | podcast

Eat Laugh FIGHT | podcast

Eat Laugh FIGHT | Podcast ep.008 Kane Holloway

February 24, 2014

James Alberding
Matt Juarez

Kane Holloway @kanemholloway

Chris has been laid up with pneumonia for the past week and to avoid getting Matt sick while he is training for his fight next month he couldn't join us. James and Matt sat down with Seattle comedian and host of his own podcast "Your First Time", Kane Holloway in the 'cast cave. We talk about Kane, comedy, and the best day to visit Costco when you are 6'6".

Check out Kane's podcast "Your First Time" on the Pod-a-holics Comedy Network:

Kane also co-hosts a web-series with his girlfriend, Seattle Comic, Kelsey Cook called "Two Bedroom Apartment" where they conduct their own couples counseling because they cant afford an actual therapist.

follow him on Twitter: