Eat for Life

Eat for Life

Ep 67: Corruption in Food Labeling with Dr. Sina McCullough, Part 2

February 06, 2023

Welcome to part two of my conversation with Dr. Sina McCullough, researcher and author of Hands Off My Food, a book about how government and industry have corrupted our food and easy ways to fight back.

In part one, we talked about Sina's amazing healing journey and recovery from a severe autoimmune condition and how a gluten-free diet gave her arsenic poisoning. We also discussed the revolving door between Big Ag and our regulatory agencies, which are supposed to advocate for our safety. 

Today, Sina and I talk more about manipulative food labeling and what you can do to protect yourself. Sina is the creator of the online program Go Wild: How to Reverse Chronic and Autoimmune Disease, which teaches people how to reverse chronic and autoimmune diseases in a step-by-step manner. She is also an expert in nutrition, disease reversal, functional medicine, exercise physiology, and energy medicine, as well as a certified natural healer, master herbalist, and gluten-free society practitioner.

  • Why chemical additives in our food is cause for concern
  • How GRAS labeling provides a false sense of security
  • Why sick children are more valuable in the health care system than a healthy child
  • Uncomplicating the marketing behind Grass-Fed vs. Grass-Finished Meat
  • Why the EU has banned chicken from America
  • The scary truth about plastic
  • Why hydroponic vegetables do not provide the same nutrients as soil-grown vegetables

Click on the episode link to read the full transcript.