Eat for Life

Eat for Life

The MTHFR and Methylfolate Myth with Dr. Albert Mensah

December 06, 2021

For December, I’m sharing a couple of my favorite episodes while we take a little break to spend time with friends and family. I hope you are also able to make room for the things you love this season, you so deserve it after the year we've had.

The first one is a powerful conversation with Dr. Albert Mensah about how flawed the MTHFR (the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene) testing approach is and its common resulting treatment: methylfolate.

In clinical practice, we’ve been seeing adverse reactions to methylfolate treatment for many years now.

We discuss why this testing approach is problematic, misconceptions about the different forms of folic acid, potential dangers and impacts on the in utero environment and neurotransmitter activity.

Dr. Mensah is a world-renowned leader and teacher in methylation disorders. He is the co-founder of Mensah Medical in Warrenville, Illinois, a clinic that specializes in the treatment of biochemical imbalances and the cognitive and physical disorders caused by those imbalances. Since 2005 Dr. Mensah has treated over 30,000 patients using all-natural, non-pharmaceutical targeted nutrient therapy.

His practice focuses on the management and treatment of cognitive disorders such as autism, behavior and learning disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety syndromes, childhood and adult schizophrenia or Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease, as well as family medicine.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How loading up on methylfolate can result in neurotransmitter changes and imbalances, especially with glutamate and serotonin
  • Why the MTHFR gene test can’t determine methylation status
  • How folic acid supplementation outside of the first trimester negatively impacts fetal and child development
  • Testing that can help you discover your methylation status to accurately support physical and mental health

Learn more about Dr. Albert Mensah:

Learn more about Sami:
