Eat for Life

Eat for Life

EP 22: Compassionate Approaches to Healing Addiction with Bryan Vasquez

March 08, 2021

What if we viewed addiction as a response to something, rather than the common viewpoint that someone is a lost cause and can’t get their life together?


What if we embraced people with compassion and empathy, while also acknowledging that addiction is the result of a combination of genetics, who we are exposed to, trauma, abuse, family dynamics, and biochemistry?


In this week’s episode, I talk all things recovery with Bryan Vasquez, a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor in Newport Beach, California.


Bryan’s journey to becoming an addiction counselor began with the turmoil surrounding opiate use. Bryan offers concepts from the scientifically supported processes that helped him to realize his own recovery.


These techniques do not impose change, but instead, support change in a manner congruent with each individual's goals and values.


Bryan has worked in all facets of addiction treatment, including psychiatric hospitals, residential and outpatient programs, and private practice. He conducts both group and individual counseling as well as third-party assessments.


He serves as a Smart Recovery Group Facilitator and is versed in traditional as well as holistic modalities for treating addiction in individuals and within the family unit.


I can't wait for you to listen in as we talk about genetics, how we become addicted, why one size fits all programs don't work, the difference between abstinence and moderation, and why kindness and compassion are important components to healing from any addiction.


I so loved how Bryan spoke to the importance of treating addiction through the lens of we are all unique, each requiring different treatment options, and that there is no right or wrong way for healing to occur.


As Bryan shared, there is a way out of addiction and it doesn't have to consume you for the rest of your life. There is a way that is unique to you that can lead to sustainable peace and happiness.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why the path to recovery is never one size fits all
  • How addiction is a result of a combination of genetics, who we are exposed to, family dynamics, trauma, abuse, and biochemistry
  • An introduction to the SMART Recovery Program as an alternative to more well known recovery programs
  • The difference between abstinence and moderation and how to find a solution that works best for you


Learn more about Bryan Vasquez:


Learn more about Sami:

