Eat Allergy Safe

Eat Allergy Safe

EAS 076: What is FPIES? Allergy Mum and FPIES advocate Katy Stevens Tells her Daughter’s Journey to Diagnosis (

July 29, 2018

Katy is an allergy mum (and money blogger on to a toddler who they discovered has FPIES. In today’s episode, Katy tells me all about the reality of living with FPIES on a day to day basis, the lack of information GPs hold, and how they often assume that when your child is just unwell.  We also talk about managing your anxieties around your child’s allergy, when they are justified and perhaps when they are just you being a parent.  Katy also talks about the symptoms her daughter has when she is reacting and how they can vary. We talk about educating family, friends and extended family too.  What is FPIES? FPIES stands for Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome. It is a type of food allergy that affects the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. What are the symptoms of FPIES? Symptoms include but are not limited to vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration which leads to lethargy. Children can often look pale or blue. Other symptoms can include low blood pressure, and blood tests that mimic infection which can look like sepsis or lead to sepsis like shock. All children are different and can have different symptoms. For more information, please visit: Top 3 Tips Parents Dealing with FPIES * Be kind to yourself - you have not caused your child’s allergies * With time, it will get better - but you can do it! * Empower yourself with information Resources * Listen to when I interviewed my parents on our journey living with allergies in episode 12, 13, 14 & 15. * Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher Radio (android). * My new recipe book "Chocolate Treats: Decadent delights free from the top 14 allergens" is on or