Eat Allergy Safe

Eat Allergy Safe

EAS 067: My Financial Dilemma and the Future of Eat Allergy Safe

May 08, 2018

If you’re on my email list, you will have received this email last week. Although this wasn’t comfortable for me to write or record, it’s time I ask for help.
Like most people, I  choose not to openly discuss money issues. But I’m going to put that to one side because I think it’s more important to tell you the whole truth of my own finances and therefore the future of Eat Allergy Safe…
Eat Allergy Safe Now
I run Eat Allergy Safe out of my own pocket and have done so for the last 3 years. I have a few products I sell including Chocolate Truffles and my first recipe book Chocolate Treats. But the majority of content I do for free, including:

* Blog posts
* Podcast and video episodes
* Recipe posts
* Email list hints and tips
* Answering private messages asking for advice about allergy management (this takes a lot of time)

The truth is, book and truffle sales are enough to cover only a small portion of running Eat Allergy Safe. The rest of my expenses are covered by my freelance tutoring (for GCSE and a-level students) and from my savings. These costs include:

* Website hosting
* Podcast hosting
* Recording equipment
* Food for recipes
* My time, which I can’t spend on other money generating activities

The Future of Eat Allergy Safe
To keep this project going, as well as keep myself in house and home, I have to start changing the mix of free vs paid services I offer. The things I will keep doing for free are:

* Blog posts
* Podcast episodes
* Recipe posts
* Allergy Show talks

What I Will Start Charging For
Most of my time is spent answering people’s questions online or via email. I realise that this information is valuable, and after positive feedback a couple months ago,  I have designed a consultation service, a.k.a Allergy Coaching $60 (or £40) per hour, which will be conducted by phone or online via Skype.  Allergy Coaching can be 1-on-1 for you and your spouse, or family sessions. 
I think this is the most reasonable solution to keep Eat Allergy Safe and myself going. Without it I have to spend more time on other paying jobs and you would receive much less valuable information as a result. 
If $60 / £40 per hour is too much for you but you would still like to ask questions and get advice, please ‘reply’ to this email. I may set up a private paid group for those who want to pay less. In there you’d be able to ask questions online as long as you are subscribed.
What My Boyfriend Said About This
It has been really tough to write this email. (I tried 4 times before it was even semi coherent.) The idea of charging for something that I would happily give away for free is terrifying! And how do you put a price tag on it? When I came up with £40/$60, I told my other half and he said, “well that’s cheap, mines $150 p/hr!”. 
How You Can Help, Without Spending Anything
If you are not in a position where you need allergy coaching please pass my information on to another parent who is in the first phase of dealing with an allergy diagnosis. Here’s the link you can forward:
I really want Eat Allergy Safe to live on and become something that helps people every day. So that you don’t feel alone or helpless in the overwhelm of diagnosis, or feel guilty that your child has a food allergy but that you can give your child the life you dream for them. I feel the only way to make this happen is to turn Eat Allergy Safe into a viable business, and the larger it becomes the more people we can help who’ve just received the dreaded allergy diagnosis.
Thank you for your understanding and for helping me take this idea forward.