Easter People

Easter People

Easter People #30: Learning the art of sabbath

January 12, 2015

In episode 30, the Easter People welcome Lisa back from sabbatical and use the occasion as an opportunity to discuss sabbath. Then we play a game about religious tourism and end by sharing our Green Shoots.

Also, we have two exciting announcements:

  1. We are announcing the Via Media Collective with partner shows Padre’s Pods and The Collect Call. We don’t know exactly what these means yet, but we do know we want to help our listeners connect with other Episcopal podcasters.
  2. Our next show is going to be about sports, and we need your help! Please send us your best or worst sports memories as a player or fan. The funnier the better—and faith connections are a bonus. You can send them via Facebook, Twitter, email, the comments section below, or by leaving us a voicemail at 740-473-6753 (that’s 740-4PEOPLE). We might just read or play them on the show.

Here are links to some of the things we mentioned on the show:

Like the show? Drop us a line by email, on Facebook, on Twitter, or in the comments. We’re in the iTunes store, Stitcher app, and other directories. You can also subscribe with this link. (Need help? Here’s how on Android or iOS devices via iTunes.) Really like the show? Write us a review on iTunes or share us with your friends.

If you like our show, you might like the others in the Via Media Collective. Check out Padre’s Pods, conversations about life and faith by the worst priest ever and his friends, and The Collect Call, a show about the intersection of liturgy and life.

Randall Curtis (@randallcurtis), Jason Evans (@jasonevans), Lisa Kimball (@kimball_lisa), and Kyle Oliver (@kmoliver) are four friends who work for the church but not in a church. They get together a couple times a month to talk about the stuff that matters to them: faith, culture, learning, and service.


The post Easter People #30: Learning the art of sabbath appeared first on Key Resources.