The Earbud_U Podcast

The Earbud_U Podcast

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode #3 - Katie Vaz

February 08, 2017

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode #2 – Katie Vaz, Illustrator, Graphic Designer, and Author of “Don’t Worry, Eat Cake”

Love is a many splendor thing.
…maybe that’s splendid…
Or so it is said.
When you get to do what you love every day, it doesn’t seem like work. But the thing is, many people don’t do what they love every day.
Many people, for a variety of reasons, do what they have to do, what they are required to do, or what they are told to do.
Our guest today, Katie Vaz, a graphic designer and illustrator, and author of Don’t Worry, Eat Cake, is living the life that she wants to live, doing what she wants to do, and creating a voice and an oeuvre of work that shows what can happen when you march to the beat of your own drummer.
And now, a word about coloring books:
There’s a growing movement of providing coloring books for adults, and Katie’s book is about tapping into this phenomenon.
I personally have never colored (with the exception of finger painting and whatever I did in college art classes for my major), but I understand the sentiment behind the idea in a world where love is the hardest thing to attain.
What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.
That, and coloring books.
And cake.
Definitely cake….
Connect with Katie in all the ways that you can below:
Etsy Store (Use code EARBUD20 for 20% off orders for Valentine’s Day):
Katie Vaz Design on Facebook: