

Virtual EAG 2020: Q&A with Leah Edgerton, executive director at Animal Charity Evaluators

May 21, 2020

Animal suffering is a global problem that requires action on a global level. How can we think about effectiveness across geographical and cultural contexts? How can North American and European advocates support advocacy in other parts of the world in responsible and impactful ways? In this talk, Leah explores the pros and cons of different approaches to international advocacy.

Leah has been involved in the effective altruism community since 2011 and has been an animal advocate her whole life. From 2015 to 2017, she was an integral part of ACE’s communications team, building up their social media channels, growing the reach of their email list, and helping to plan and launch their website redesign.

From 2017 to 2019, she worked at ProVeg International, one of ACE’s Standout Charities. In her role as ProVeg’s Strategy and Internationalization Manager, she conceptualized and grew the China Programme from scratch and coordinated with external academics to conduct experimental research on meat reduction interventions.

Leah returned to ACE’s team as Executive Director in February 2019.

Original Video