Christan Podcast Central

Christan Podcast Central

Latest Episodes

White Horse Inn: What Does Your Neighbor Believe?
March 09, 2020

In our increasingly pluralistic culture, it’s important to understand what your neighbors believe, especially in regards to “justification by grace through faith” and applying Biblical truth to 21st century life.

Reasonable Faith Podcast: Matt Fradd Interviews Dr. Craig, part 2
March 02, 2020

While he was indeed fallible, almost all Protestants look back to Augustine with tremendous reverence and authority.

Reasonable Faith Podcast: Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Doubts His Faith
February 24, 2020

The Green Bay Packers Field General questioned Christianity on a recent podcast. Dr. Craig offers some help.

White Horse Inn: The Abrahamic Promise
February 20, 2020

Regarding justification, Michael Horton discusses the important contrast that we find throughout Paul’s writings between law and promise.

White Horse Inn: Why Is Justification So Controversial?
February 18, 2020

If all we need is renewal or transformation, then justification essentially becomes irrelevant.

Reasonable Faith Podcast: Matt Fradd Interviews Dr. Craig
February 17, 2020

It is awkward that Christianity seems to be so aligned with conservative right-wing politics and yet on certain moral issues it is hard to see room for compromise from a Christian point of view.

Reasonable Faith Podcast: In Intellectual Neutral
February 10, 2020

Our churches are filled with Christians whose minds are idling in intellectual neutral. They may be spiritually born again, but they still think like non-Christians.

Church for Men 30: Why Men Are Afraid To Make Disciples
February 07, 2020

It is ridiculous to expect men to make disciples without training, equipping, and support. Yet this is exactly what many preachers and men's ministers tell their men to do.

1 Peter in HD: Slavery
February 07, 2020

If you can get out of the slavery and/or abusive relationship that you are in… get out! But, what if you can’t?

First Liberty Briefing: The Fight for Religious Exemptions Continues for Little Sisters of the Poor
February 06, 2020

RFRA actually does permit a broad religious exemption from the Contraception Mandate, including the exemptions granted to the nuns and others.