Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

#42: Eat Fat Get Thin

September 01, 2020

In this training
We’re gonna sort out the confusion between good fat, bad fat and evil fat.

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* Difference between fats
* The Good, the bad and the evil fats

I am really excited to start you on this journey and I hope to add a lot of value to your life as a whole.

Show Transcript:
Nutrition is remarkable in its ability to have people with completely opposite views saying they have science to support completely opposite views.
Frustrating isn’t it? What are we suppose to believe?
Welcome to Dynamism Biohack, my name is Dr. Matt Hammett Wellness & Nutrition Expert, Lifestyle Trainer and Movement Enthusiast. In each week I’m going share with you how to make the right nutritious choices despite conflicting expert opinions where I help you to discover how to unlock your inner aborigine or your inner greatness. Thank you for spending this time with me today, so let’s get into the training.

WE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE LOW-FAT DIET is killing us; it is the very reason my mother is not with us today. The surprising truth about fat and heart disease, as discovered by various researchers, found that doubling or even tripling saturated fat in your diet has no impact on saturated fats in your blood.
As you read this, you are probably thinking about the studies that confirm that blood levels of saturated fat are significantly correlated with the development of type-II diabetes and heart disease. There is one problem; these fats in the blood are not coming from the fat you eat. They are provided by the liver in response to the carbohydrates in your diet. In other words, carbohydrates are the true culprits; they spike your blood levels of saturated fats. In the New England Journal of Medicine in 2013, there were two massive studies on low versus high-fat diet. Now the study was biased, as they wanted to show that a low-fat diet was the answer and that the high-fat diet was the culprit for heart disease.
Dynamic people understand that when a Big Pharma company or special interest groups like the low fat industry, grain,