Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

#36: Kiddos & Chiropractic Care

March 21, 2020

In this training
spinal joint receptor stimulation plays an integral role in the development of the child’s brain and nervous system and the effects of decreased stimulation of the brain in childhood have been linked to central motor impairment, developmental impairments, learning disabilities, concentration problems like ADHD, behavioral problems such as violence and increased illnesses such as ear, nose, and throat infections, sleeping difficulties, and colic.

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I discuss:

* Two Huge Reasons all kiddos must have their upper neck examined by a Doctor of Chiropractic
* The effects of “Sitting Disease” and spinal joint stimulation and diminished brain function; growth and developmental delays
* Dentistry led the way in the 1800’s eradicating epidemics caused by sugar; Chiropractic is leading the way in the 2000’s caused by sedentary lifestyle and immobile spinal joints

I am really excited to start you on this journey and I hope to add a lot of value to your life as a whole.

Show Transcript:
Nutrition is remarkable in its ability to have people with completely opposite views saying they have science to support completely opposite views.
Frustrating isn’t it? What are we suppose to believe?
Welcome to Dynamism Biohack, my name is Dr. Matt Hammett Wellness & Nutrition Expert, Lifestyle Trainer and Movement Enthusiast. In each week I’m going share with you how to make the right nutritious choices despite conflicting expert opinions where I help you to discover how to unlock your inner aborigine or your inner greatness. Thank you for spending this time with me today, so let’s get into the training.
Kiddos and Chiropractic Care.

The question we get from many people, “why do chiropractors check children?” A human brain requires constant input from movement to keep the batteries charged. This is especially true for children because spinal joint receptor stimulation plays an integral role in the development of the child’s brain and nervous system and the effects of decreased stimulation of the brain in childhood have ...