Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

#24: We’ve Cracked The Code

June 06, 2018

In this training, “The Truth About Medical Education, Why Medical Doctors Think The Way They D0.”
We have learned more about how our brains function in the past three years than in the previous three thousand. We have broken century-old focus on neurosis (disease and sickness based care) and the, what is wrong with our psyche into re framing our attitudes and science toward what is right with us. We have cracked the code on what it takes for you to perform at higher levels of joy, happiness, engagement, healthy living, and productivity.
Even better, I am going to reveal the literature of people living with more nutrition in their blood and more physical exertion that match a professional athlete all without ever using Big Pharma or ever having received- dare I say it; a vaccination!

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I discuss:

* What is Medicalization of Life
* How modern medicine became the third leading cause of death in the United States
* How to be proactive in the American pro-drug culture when you really want a natural approach

I am really excited to start you on this journey and I hope to add a lot of value to your life as a whole.

Show Transcript:
Nutrition is remarkable in its ability to have people with completely opposite views saying they have science to support completely opposite views.
Frustrating isn’t it? What are we suppose to believe?
Welcome to Dynamism Biohack, my name is Dr. Matt Hammett Wellness & Nutrition Expert, Lifestyle Trainer and Movement Enthusiast. In each week I’m going share with you how to make the right nutritious choices despite conflicting expert opinions where I help you to discover how to unlock your inner aborigine or your inner greatness. Thank you for spending this time with me today, so let’s get into the training.
This training is rooted in lessons from hundreds of the newest books and journals in neuroscience, epigenetics, functional medicine, positive psychology, chiropractic care and high performance. For me, the inspiration and zest for life came from embracing thr...