Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

#3: The Rise of Industrialized Foods

April 02, 2023

In this episode, Three ways Big Food is destroying the health of our nation!
In this training I’m going to talk about the Rise of Industrialization and the impact it had on our food. I’m going to explain three things that changed food and why it’s not smart to let food experts tell us how to eat.

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I discuss:

* The root cause of Western Diseases is Industrialization
* Three things that changed food: Vegetable/Seed oils, Factory Farmed animals, Refined Sugar/Flour (The Great White Shark)
* Five additional things: Whole food to Refined food, Complexity to Simplicity Soil Microbiome, quality versus quantity, from leaves to seeds, shifted from a food culture to a food science
* Why food science has taken over the show, arrogance of formula versus breast milk

I am really excited to start you on this journey and I hope to add a lot of value to your life as a whole.

Show Transcript:
Dynamic people understand that eating fewer processed foods means eating fewer industrial foods. Industrial foods are made using industrial methods, in laboratories with laced chemical ingredients. Factory farms provide a perfect example of such a method; in contrast, foods from the Agricultural Age are grown on a farm or herded on a ranch- just like when our ancestors hunted and gathered in the wild. We have used fire to cook for millions of years, and pounded our meat to tenderize the product; that is all well and good. In truth, industrial food (Twinkies and Wonder Bread) is the real problem, which no nutritionist denies.
Dynamic people view foods that do not rot as a poison to avoid. These include preservatives that are added to the food. These types of chemicals are added to the food product to kill off bacteria or fungus that would shorten the life of the product. The food industry calls them preservatives, but they are really antibiotics. Other chemicals used to enhance texture, color, odor, and flavor also make it difficult for good bacteria to thrive. If the food is at an American gas station,