Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinio

#1: Your Inner Aborigine

March 20, 2023

In this episode, What they didn’t teach you in school about health! I talk about the root of Dynamism, which is tapping into Your Inner Aborigine.  The do’s and don’t of choosing nutrition and why many experts have fallen prey.

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I discuss:

* Why Nutrition Science is like surgery in the year 1650
* How a trusted nutrition guru can off the deep end
* Where chronic diseases really come from and how to Defeat it with food

I am really excited to start you on this journey and I hope to add a lot of value to your life as a whole.

Show Transcript:
Nutrition is remarkable in its ability to have people with completely opposite views saying they have science to support completely opposite views.
Frustrating isn’t it?  What are we suppose to believe?
In this training, I’m going to transcend all of that discussion and find the things that everybody agrees on and I want to make a special note of the fact that as Michael Pollan says about the science of nutrition. He says, “nutrition science is very, very young to put it charitably”.  He says, “it’s kind of like surgery in the year 1650. Surgery in 1650, had a lot of potential- very interesting, but you wouldn’t want them working on you quite yet; they have some more work to do”.  In other words, modern nutrition science is very similar to surgery in the year 1650.
And that lead us to Dynamism Biohack #1: Your Inner Aborignee

Tap into your inner aborigine by e ating real food.  Don’t let cherry Picking science distract you!  What am I talking about?  Find out next.
Now… I want you to take that statement in… I know what your thinking, but the experts say this and that.  Yeah, and they never agree do they?
1650… You see, It is easy to cherry pick in science, which basically means you pick the data that supports your perspective. This issue seems to be the new fad filling the online blog world. For nutrition science, it’s even easier to cherry pick the data and twists it toward a certain interest,