The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

A new book just exposed Stephen Miller's white nationalist strategy and its roots

August 11, 2020

Scott talks with Jean Guererro, who is an investigative journalist for NPR, the PBS Newshour, and the author of Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda. Jean’s new book explains all., and she took the approach of developing a deep biography of the advisor to understand his motivations which have become ever more influential over time within the White House. Guerrero writes that it was Stephen Miller's connections to federal law enforcement unions in 2016 that helped him sway national immigration policy from its prior status of having chronic problems both parties wanted to fix into a dystopian nightmare used as a racist cudgel by a sitting occupant of the Oval Office.
You can buy a copy of Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda here.
Our book Meet the Candidates 2020: Joe Biden is available at all major bookstores and online.
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