Du You Tri

Du You Tri

Going ‘Ultra’ Long with Ryan Knapp

November 05, 2015

Ultra endurance events are growing like weeds nationally and internationally. Events are getting more and more epic. Higher climbs, longer runs and more challenging terrain continues to push athletes and the human spirit beyond where we ever thought we could go. Today, on the podcast we talk with accomplished coach and ultra athlete Ryan Knapp. Ryan and I have been friends for many years and are reconnecting over our shared passion for endurance sports. At the beginning of todays show you'll catch Ryan and I reconnecting and we learn that on one of Ryan's big adventures he catches Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever! I simply had to leave that in!

A few topics we cover on today's podcast:

We announce Ryan's co-host status as we'll be recording a Going 'Ultra' Long segment at least once a month! 
Ryan talks about his background as a coach and talks a bit about how he approaches each athlete as an individual. 
We talk a bit about what it takes to achieve the proper mindset for ultra distance training and racing
Ryan shares his experience at the Run Rabbit Run 100 miler.

Check out #AskCoachRyan
In addition to this podcast Ryan is passionate about answering athletes questions. Check out his YouTube page!

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