Du You Tri

Du You Tri

Building Volume, Charitable Endeavors and the Devaluation of Pro Triathletes

May 12, 2014

Today on the podcast I  do some solocasting from the car and also have a great interview with Gael Orr of Once Again Nut Butter. We had a great conversation about the environment, business, training and nutrition. Some highlights from today's show:

Keith's Solocast Subjects:

Building Volume to stay injury free
Watching and observing others try and cram for Ironman

Chat with Gael

Interview with Gael Orr of Once Again Nut Butter
We talked to Gael about Once Again Nut Butter’s donation of over 21 thousand pounds of organic peanut butter to Feed the Children helping out in the Phillipines disaster relief.
Carrying yourself through business, sport and life by lifting up others.
We talked a bit about environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
Gael talks to us about her supplier integrity program.
How we can help support the earth by purchasing organic foods
Eating Organic does not have to be expensive.


Keith's Show Wrap-up Question: Do large triathlon companies like Ironman give a crap about the pro's or have they been completely devalued?
Links we talked about:
The book Whole by T Colin Campbell

50% of our food is wasted at every step in the chain!

Community Supported Agriculture

Maryland ironman - No Pro's

Rev Three says no Prize Purse for Pro's
Du You Tri Podcast
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