

The Leg Spreader: Endometriosis and VAGINAS

August 24, 2016

This week on Drunk Sex, we talked to Hatie, the awesome founder of Whoa Mag, a publication about badass women adventuring through the outdoors, about something she knows far too much about from personal experience: endometriosis. Having a uterus and/or vagina is hard work, y'all, and sometimes it doesn't work exactly how you want it to. After making our drink (the Leg Spreader, a tribute to all that time at the gyno), we delved into her story about endometriosis and all the things that go with it, including one serious surgery, tons of pain, and the effect it has on sex and fertility. We also talks about vags in general - how they work, why they get a bad rap, and why they are so durn awesome. Vaginas are the bomb dot com, and this was an awesome episode!

The Leg Spreader:

- 1 shot Jägermeister
- 1 glass of root beer

Links from the episode:

- Our Patreon page:
- Facebook group:
- Whoa Mag:
- Whoa Mag's Facebook page: