

The Flirtini: The Seduction Episode

June 29, 2016

WE MADE IT TO THE SEASON ONE FINALE, Y'ALL. For our last episode (only for two weeks, don't worry guys), we wanted to hit on one more topic: the art of seduction. Bartender Natalie made her comeback, and we were joined by Katie's boyfriend Dan and our guest Matt. We tried to start by talking about Neil Strauss's books, but the conversation divulged to selfie stick sex tapes, Squidward's French name, and a new slew of Carafe of Truth questions that are too graphic for iTunes. We finally got into the meat of the subject, it got pretty deep: Not only did we discuss methods of seduction, but we also talked about when it inhibits connection and how you can make sure it's ethical. We should have made the drinking rule to take a sip whenever someone says the word "authentic," but we didn't. Oops.

The Flirtini
- 1 oz. vodka
- 2 oz. champagne
- 2 oz. pineapple juice

Mix together. Voila!

Links from the episode:
- The Game:
- The Truth:
- What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You and Your Father Didn't Know:
- The Facebook group:
- Our Patreon page:

We'll see you in two week, Drunkies!