The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Thought Crimes Episode 12 – The Dirty Job

July 10, 2020

The cogs continued to turn, squealing under the friction of the grit placed within them, but turning nonetheless. Tired, twitching fingers fretted at the keyboard, eyes bouncing between shorthand sections of past plans. The links were there, even if a good number of the boxes were marked with a small, passive aggressive “x”. At least when part of the plan failed, it didn’t require attention. It was like tossing a ball aside while juggling; the overall effect is diminished, but what remains is more reliable, more likely to work. With Project Lachesis standing at the forefront of his workflow, mental energy was always a resource to carefully ration for a rainy day. Thunder was starting to echo on the horizon, but he continued to type, to work, to plan, to scheme. After all, It’s Only Business, But maybe one day soon, that would finally change. Side Chatter