Dr Steph

Dr Steph

Healing with Placebo or Homeopathy? Stress Buster Secret #74

June 09, 2016

Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.D., stress expert and energy therapy practitioner, shares her vast experience and research of health, healing and stress management into an entertaining and educational format. 

If placebo medicine is becoming more popular, what would it take to use homepathy, too?

What is the difference and why would you choose one instead of the other? Let's explore:
What is placebo medicine?What is homeopathy?What do some of the studies show about the effectiveness of homepathy?Can using homeopathy harm someone?Who can "prescribe" homeopathic remedies?Can using homeopathic rememdies promote wellness?How does it get any better than this?
Are you curious as to what you can do to feel more energized, be more efficient, feel happier, and have the changes you choose in your life? Spend some time with Dr. Steph and enjoy the journey to a healthier and more purposeful life!