Dr J's Path to Success Podcast: Chiropractic, healthcare, business and life advice

Dr J's Path to Success Podcast: Chiropractic, healthcare, business and life advice

Episode 67 - McOffice Time for Systems--Making Money with Efficiency

August 22, 2018

The average McDonalds franchise brings in approximately $2.5M per year in sales. The average chiropractic office brings in about $400K. The average McDonalds franchise is run by kids. The average chiropractor has at least 1 advanced degree and likely more. So why the difference in revenue? In many cases, the real answer is "Systems." McDonalds has systems that allow people with no education to run a restaurant and make money. Chiropractors have the education, but most haven't developed the systems to allow less educated subordinates to run the office while the doc isn't there. In this episode, Dr J expounds upon and drives home the importance of developing systems.