Driver Success

Driver Success

The Driver Success Podcast Interview With Charles Brownell

January 31, 2017

Transcript:Moses: Hi everyone it's Moses here with a driver success podcasts and I am excited today to be having another guest that we are going to have a conversation with, our guess is somebody that I found on LinkedIn reach out to him ask him if he would be willing to come share his story and have a conversation with us, and he was gracious enough to agree so today we have Charles on the line. Charles welcome to welcome to Driver Success podcast.Charles: Thank you for having me.Moses: So let's begin with your personal life just share with us about yourself and nothing to do with trucking just your personal life so that we get to know you on a personal level.Charles: Well basically I was born in Oregon but I grew up in Southern California and pretty much been there for a good part of 27 something actually going on 30 something years. Other than that I pretty much grew up there when to Etiwanda High School, and then from there I did going to the military so I spent about 3 years in the military serving my country as I am a patriot of my country and basically I go up serving my fellow countrymen as my family.So essentially a greater part of my life is I've just been devoted serving my fellow citizens in one way or another either through military or through I've done [unclear 2:47] when I w as in youth group growing up in high school to Rainbow Acres and a couple of other places throughout the community to help those in need.I know you mentioned anything other than the trucking but even I consider the trucking as my way of serving my fellow Americans by helping ship all the necessary goods so that they can go to the stores and have that stuff available to them. So essentially growing up I have been trying to grow up in the way that just trying to find the way to serve my fellow citizens.Moses: Thank you so much for your service to the country we really appreciate the sacrifice people like you make to make sure we have a peaceful country thank you so much for that.Charles: It is my honor and privilege to do this for my fellow people.Moses: Thank you are you married?Charles: Yes, I am married with 3 beautiful little ones also running around with their oldest at 6 and then 4 and 2.Moses: 6, 4 and 2 boys’ girl’s mixture?Charles: 2 girls and 1 boy the two oldest are the girls the youngest is a boy.Moses: So he gets all the love that's good. So when were you in the military when exactly?Charles: I was in the military I join 2001 I separated in 2004 I join the Navy specifically, and then within those 3 years I actually did two deployments, one into the Mediterranean and one in it's still kind of in the state but I went down to Jacksonville where we basically help fellows [unclear] to conduct various missions throughout the world.Moses: And what did you do before the military?Charles: Well before the military, I was in high school.Moses: So from school you went straight into the military?Charles: Yes.Moses: Okay and so when you left the military in 2004 what did you do?Charles: When I left I ended up getting a job with a local school bus, school district driving school buses at least only because I needed something to kind of get me to some financial stability.But then in 2005, that's when I started researching about getting my Class A license and that's where I went with Sierra England to get my Class A license because up on getting my Class A I would also have a job driving for them. And I figured at that moment and time I figured that was a good setup, a