Drinks at The Dal: A Lost Girl Podcast

Drinks at The Dal: A Lost Girl Podcast

Latest Episodes

“Family Portrait” — Episode 119
October 12, 2015

Bo learns that her mother recently escaped from a mental institution and that her father has left his cage. She goes looking for them and finds a very different reunion than she was expecting. Bo isn't sure who to believe about her mother's past,

“Judgement Fae” — Episode 118
October 09, 2015

When Bo finds a confused Elizabeth in Lauren's clinic, she tries to mine her memories for what Zee did while occupying her body. Tension in Bo and Lauren's relationship emerges over Lauren's conduit abilities,

Shot: “Family Portrait” First Impressions — Episode 117
October 06, 2015

We share our first impressions and what made us happy in "Family Portrait," including Lauren and Tamsin's friendship, the return of Inga Cadranel, and Anna Silk... Well, Anna Silk.

Shot: “Judgement Fae” First Impressions — Episode 116
September 28, 2015

We give our first impressions and share some things that made us happy in "Judgement Fae," including Amanda Walsh being Elizabeth, Zoie Palmer being Zee, and Bo being herself. Our in depth discussion of the episode will be available this weekend.

“Sweet Valkyrie High” — Episode 115
September 27, 2015

Tamsin decides to try to help Bo get rid of her father, so she teams up with Stacey and follows a lead back to their old high school. Meanwhile, the Morrigan comes to Lauren with complaints about her health, and Lauren's tests reveal a poor prognosis.

“44 Minutes to Save the World” — Episode 110
September 09, 2015

With Nyx released and threatening to end the world, Bo needs to find Iris, and she reluctantly accepts her father's assistance. Meanwhile, Tamsin is held captive by Zee and Hera, and she uses the opportunity to learn more about the Ancients' weaknesses.

Shot: “44 Minutes to Save the World” First Impressions — Episode 109
August 25, 2015

We share our first impressions and what made us happy in "44 Minutes to Save the World,” including Tamsin casting doubt, Bo being Bo, and Doccubus being together. Our longer discussion will be available after the episode airs on September 6.

“Dead Lucky” — Episode 108
August 18, 2015

Bo is asked by a powerful Dark Fae bookie to figure out how a human cheated him out of some money. In exchange, he offers Bo a chance to meet with an Oracle who could reveal important information about Bo's past.

Lost Girl at Dragon Con 2015 Preview
August 11, 2015

We discuss the Lost Girl events at Dragon Con 2015, including the fact that ANNA SILK IS GOING TO BE THERE. We also answer questions that new con goers often have and offer our tips for attending Dragon Con.

“Faetal Attraction” — Episode 107
August 04, 2015

When Bo is asked by another Fae to kill a human, she puts herself in the path of an angry Fury to save her intended victim. Bo also faces rejection for the first time after what happened between her and Dyson,